Saturday 28 January 2012

I Love Him

Yes, you all read that? I love him! I love him! I love him and will love him for 1000 years more. I'm dying loving him! I'm so scare these day because I taught that I will lose him forever. It was my fault. I shouldn't tell him like that. How stupid am I?! But I glad that finally he forgive me on what I've done (that's make me more love him). As a girl, yeah you know..I need someone to care about me all the time, so I can't get far away from him. When he go far, my heart shivers cause I'm scare I will lose him. And then, he open my eyes widely wen he says that he loves me, he really loves me so much. But, I hurt his feeling. :'(. I regret it a lot. I cried all the time thinking how stupid I am. How could I hurt him. It was my fault. I feel want to hug him and cried on his shoulder, saying that I'm so sorry and I love you so much. This is what  he said to me.

Oh God, please, I'm begging, I don't want to lose him no more. I promise myself for not being misbehave again. I don't know why..he was so "different" than the other guys I ever meet before. He was..(hard to explain). I like him just the way he was. Only sometimes he was so annoying (other reason why I love him  lot). I loves the way he insult me and everything. Thanks to God for giving me a man like him. I really love him. I hope that he was the guy that I'm gonna marry one day. Felix, if you read's true, I love you so much!


AngelAdel said...

Huhu, i love him!

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