Saturday 25 August 2012

Dear Haters..

Hey all, how do ya feel today? Adel skrang ni bengang sesangat sebab haters ini. Pakah? Tak bole tengok orang senang ker? Actually, aku bukan sik suka ngan haters. Aku suka, suka sesangat! Know why? Cause it makes me feel great! Ko sik suka ngan aku, kau pegi blah la~ Bukan nyer aku da cari pasal ngan ko pun. Kau benci aku pun tak kasi aku mati la wei..buat aku ketawa adalah..

P/S: Haters won't let me down!

Friday 24 August 2012

Loving him is my biggest Happiness

Hay, sudah lama saya tidak update blog, ow? Yea, I'm kinda busy bh for incoming SPM..well, I got nothing to share, just nak luahkan perasaan. =) 
A week ago aku dh lukakan perasaan dia, ya I know..I'm wrong. But now, I'm glad he's back! <3 Taknak lh cita psl mslh tuh, yg lpas, biar lpas..just, saya nak bgtau yg aku SAYANG sesangat kat dia! 
Sesungguhnya, aku tak dapat tipu diri aku yang aku sayangkan dia lebih dari segala-galanya. Aku dh tekad, nak jadikan dia "Future Husband". okay, lama lagi~ Saya tahu, tapi tak mustahil bukan?
Mula-mula, memang acah dia jer, tapi lama-kelamaan, wujud juga rasa cinta tu. Hmm, mula2 agak susah la nak pikat dia. Kena usaha keras, baru bole. Belum lagi kena bekorban, tapi last2 dapat jugak dia. ^ ^, Bukan main gembira lagi saya tau? 
Dear You,
I want you to know that I'll aways loves you no matter what, and I promise you that, sayang? Please don't ever leave me, okay?
(Click atas sini) 

Saturday 16 June 2012

Cover Timeline

Hey all, sekarang saya ada menyediakan perkhidmatan membuat cover timeline. Ada sesiapa mahu? Dibawah ini ada contoh. :)

Friday 13 April 2012

Listen to my Heartbeat..this was for my dear Felix, I love you so much sayang!

Saturday 28 January 2012

I Love Him

Yes, you all read that? I love him! I love him! I love him and will love him for 1000 years more. I'm dying loving him! I'm so scare these day because I taught that I will lose him forever. It was my fault. I shouldn't tell him like that. How stupid am I?! But I glad that finally he forgive me on what I've done (that's make me more love him). As a girl, yeah you know..I need someone to care about me all the time, so I can't get far away from him. When he go far, my heart shivers cause I'm scare I will lose him. And then, he open my eyes widely wen he says that he loves me, he really loves me so much. But, I hurt his feeling. :'(. I regret it a lot. I cried all the time thinking how stupid I am. How could I hurt him. It was my fault. I feel want to hug him and cried on his shoulder, saying that I'm so sorry and I love you so much. This is what  he said to me.

Oh God, please, I'm begging, I don't want to lose him no more. I promise myself for not being misbehave again. I don't know why..he was so "different" than the other guys I ever meet before. He was..(hard to explain). I like him just the way he was. Only sometimes he was so annoying (other reason why I love him  lot). I loves the way he insult me and everything. Thanks to God for giving me a man like him. I really love him. I hope that he was the guy that I'm gonna marry one day. Felix, if you read's true, I love you so much!